Thought Leadership Development for CRAFTED Agency

Jan 02, 2017

Charlotte, North Carolina, marketing agency CRAFTED aimed to be the go-to agency for manufacturing firms that shared their passion for and commitment to well-crafted products.

CRAFTED’s challenge was to communicate its unique purpose into a point of view in a way that would capture the attention of and resonate with its buying audience, many of whom had engineering backgrounds. It also needed to tell its story in a way that would differentiate it from other marketing agencies serving the manufacturing industry.

Helena partnered with CRAFTED's founder and chief creative officer Rob Hawse to develop a communications approach tailored to the engineering perspective, increasing their client's ability to understand and advance their organization's marketing agenda.

Contact: Rob Hawse | [email protected] | 704.342.2101

“Helena is a great partner to work with. Unlike a lot of writers, she goes to great lengths to understand what you and your company stand for before beginning her work. This foundational understanding guides her as she works in partnership with you to create communications that are meaningful to your audience and that inspire them to act. Helena’s genuinely curious nature also makes the process fun and engaging. Some of my best conversations about my vision have been with her.”

Rob Hawse, Founder and Partner, CRAFTED


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