The 7-Power Contractor: Run Your Contracting Business with Less Stress and More Success

Aug 01, 2017

When serial entrepreneur, business consultant, and former plumbing, heating, and cooling contractor Al Levi decided it was time to stop doing individual engagements and start focusing on helping more contractors at one time, writing a book summarizing his approach to creating a business service contractors could "run with less stress and more success" was a logical first step.

Repurpose and Organize Existing Content

Al provided Helena with a huge library of existing content composed of magazine articles he had written for trade magazine Plumbing & Mechanical along with blog posts and training manuals. Together they arrived at the big idea—Running Your Contracting Business with Less Stress and More Success.  From there they drafted a table of contents outlining the major buckets of information Al wanted to communicate (in this case one bucket per Power), and then Helena sifted through Al's materials to surface the best stories and recommend the most effective sequence for telling them.

Book Cover Art Direction

For the cover, Helena created a detailed design brief with examples for, which became the inspiration for the new logo look and feel for the transition from Appleseed Business Inc. to The 7-Power Contractor. It also was the recipient of's April e-Book Cover Design Awards.

Back Cover Copy

Helena collected review quotations from the author and wrote descriptive copy for the back cover as well as the author bio.

CreateSpace and Kindle Publishing Assistance

Helena created the CreateSpace and Kindle accounts for the author and ensured the files were in the right format and uploaded successfully.

The 7-Power Contractor was published April 11, 2016 by Appleseed Business Inc. The book is currently available as a paperback ($24.95) or as an e-book ($9.99) via Amazon or on the author's website.

Book Development and Extension

Helena assisted Al Levi in migrating his brand from Appleseed Business to The 7-Power Contractor. She is currently helping extend the book into webinars and a Build Your Operating Manuals Program.

Contact the Author: Al Levi | The 7-Power Contractor | [email protected] | 480.205.5164

“Putting a book together? Need guidance through the maze? Helena is who you want on your team. She’s not just a great writer but a business story teller. And she understands the tie of writing to marketing.”

Al Levi, CEO, The 7-Power Contractor, and author of The 7-Power Contractor: Run Your Contracting Business with Less Stress and More Success


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